Welcome to November! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Were you one of the estimated 36 million+ trick-or-treaters? This year my boys dressed up as a Prince (Zachary, 3yrs) and Winnie the Pooh (Daniel, 11mos). What costumes did your kids wear?
Some important dates this month:
Nov. 11th is Veterans Day: a national holiday in honor of military veterans. It is
also called Armistice Day to commemorate the end of WWI. The 4th Thursday
in Nov. is Thanksgiving Day: an annual celebration feast originating from the
pilgrims. The day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday" - be sure to plan
ahead to take advantage of the best shopping deals of the year!
November Au Pair Activity
Pottery Painting at Pottery By You, 181 Hughes Rd, Madison. The studio will provide paints, brushes, expert assistance and anything else you need to let your inner artist out! Costs: studio fee ($6) plus cost of your pottery (prices start at $6). Please see newsletter for date and time.
Save these dates: Dec. 12th; Jan. 16th.
Note: dates are subject to change if there's something fun we'd like to do that doesn't correspond with the dates I've chosen. Just let me know what you want to do!
Au Pair Birthdays
We have three Au Pairs celebrating birthdays this month:
Pamela on the 5th, Isa on the12th, and Vero on the 25th.
Please remember to wish them a Happy Birthday!!
Au Pair Arrivals/Departures
We're excited that Gaby has chosen to stay in Huntsville for another year and will be starting her extension year on the 16th.
We have no au pair departures this month.
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